Whew! A weekend writers conference (DFW Writers' Conference) is like taking a week on a remote island with people just like you (other writers) and jacking into your gray matter and draining it away so that the Monday morning after conference hangover feels like you got sucked dry energy-wise, but zinged and jazzed and hyped at the same time.
I’m stoked! Can you tell? :)
I’ll probably be telling yall tidbits about the conference all week as I remember them or get time. Just know that I am up before noon for no good reason other than to edit the first 3 chapters, synopsis, and query to send out to one agent who requested it, then I’ll work on the rest of my novel for the other 3 agents who requested that, (and then, back to my high fantasy for an agent who requested that, and so on).
So, if we’re counting (and I am LOL) that’s 4 out of 4! (Is that some kind of great save percentage out there or not? Sorry, hockey terminology. Go Yotes!)
Happy dance!
OK back to my computer, catching up on email, a little editing for a client, a little posting on my urban fantasy class which is winding up this week, and oh gawd, I almost forgot, I gotta judge a contest.