*Tropes Trollops & Truths in Science Fiction & Fantasy
Tropes, Trollops, & Truths of Science Fiction & Fantasy
Online class begins Mon, Dec 10, 2012
Learning the history, tropes, trends, and truths of our genre helps us become better writers. This class is great for any writer who uses science fiction, fantasy, paranormal/romance, alternate history, alternate future, near future, horror, steampunk, etc.
These genres, esp fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal, science fiction, dystopic fantasy, and more are hot genres on today's market. In this class we'll explore our specific genre and how it developed and what the current market trends are. We'll have guest speakers, popular authors in the genres, and contests to win free 3 chapter critiques.
If you have any questions, please email me at pat.hauldren (at) tx.rr.com or alleypat (at) gmail.com
Thank you and see you tomorrow in class!
Alley (Pat Hauldren)