
Showing posts from 2010

DOH moments

Talk about a DOH moment. 3am, I go to delete a very small part of my website, and BAM! It's all gone. It was me. I admit it. I screwed up. Thanks to the nice people at, I'm restored and bigger and better than ever (had to get more space too). I'll be cleaning the web house during the holidays. Not getting much writing done. Very busy with daughter and kids moving back in and the holidays and boxes everywhere! Have a safe and fun holiday!

I'm interviewed!

This is kinda cool :) I have a little interview by Writers in Business : Pat Hauldren Editor and Writer Extraordinaire

Sunday falling down

I just woke up and it already feels like it'll be a long day. Had to redownload a zip utility to fetch the archived file for FenCon Writers Workshop. and still have more to read and do, but today, I'm taking off the computer, except basic email and stuffs. stuff stuff stuff. OK more coffee

My latest article: Amazon kindles ebooks popularity

Amazon kindles ebooks popularity My latest article on

fixing my emails

Since my hard disk crash, I'm having to redo all my emails and addresses. If I had yours, would you resend please? But can't do this all day. I've given myself till noon today, then it's write write write! I tossed out 2 scenes yesterday and added 2 and made the story soooo much better! Amazing how these pieces fall into place like a puzzle. It's a beautiful (and HOT) day in Texas. Write on!

busy summer

It's been a busy summer. I needn't add that it's hot, do I? Though it's been an awfully wet summer here in the Dallas/Ft Worth area of Texas. We've been enjoying succulent watermelon and peaches, cold iced tea and easy-to-fix dinners cuz it's too damn hot to do anything else. The heat index has gone over 100, as usual, so we tend to chill inside in the afternoons. Just finished THE TONGUES OF SERPENTS by Naomi Novik and now reading THE PASSAGE by Justin Cronin. Both excellent books in their own right. I love Novik's writing and adventure :). Hard to wait for the next in the series! All the grandsons are here today. I'm waiting to hear from a friend to see if she'll pick me and and we'll go writing at a cafe for the rest of the day. Oh, and I joined a health club. Now to make myself use it. I don't have a car during the day, so will have to work around that. Enjoy the summer!

David Farland's Pro Novel Workshop

Day 5 in David's class.... learning how to make $$$ with movie rights. How cool!

new articles!

More articles are up! I got invited to a get together last nite and had a blast! The Benefits of Networking for Writers with

Author profile: Leanna Ellis

Her latest book is Once in a Blue Moon , coming out March 1. Check out my interview.

Walk for Literacy hosted by former Cowboy Kelvin Edwards and Chiefs DJ O'Hara

Walk for Literacy & Educational Fair, produced by One Vision for Excellence in Education, premieres at Fair Park on Saturday, March 20. Derrick “DJ” O’Hara Johnson of the Kansas City Chiefs (originally from Waco) and Kelvin Edwards , formerly of the Dallas Cowboys , host the event and will be available for autographs.


Will I see you at ConDFW in Dallas in Feb?